Don't be indifferent to your children

Children are growing physically, and religiously they are small. They are eating their fill. But love and relationship remain hungry. Times are not what they used to be.

The day you spend indifferent to your child, his mind is attacked by tens of bad thoughts. His eyes fall on bad scenes and his times are full of all kinds of evils.Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.

mother and father.

Your child doesn't need new clothes like that, no big pocket money, no long legacy. All they need is for you to put the love of God under your care and the belief that He is watching over us in the leaven of their personality.

Keep up the good content, Keep an eye on what bad tendencies are growing in them, so you can uproot them and cleanse children's morals from them.

The father must pay attention.

Don't make excuses for lack of time, it will be ridiculous.When the Companions conquered the whole world and then returned to their children, they would conquer their hearts, train them to the best of their ability and adorn them with the ornaments of religion and morality.

Do not neglect this duty. Because father's imprint and mother's love.The baby needs both.

Don't make the excuse that you are busy looking for sustenance for them because the sustenance is so bad that the ummah gets a race whose body is very strong and strong but whose morals are weak and weak. Times have become very difficult and children are innocent by God. At this age they need a lot more attention than we do today. Today's trials and tribulations are very different. Return to your homes and give your children warm embrace and love.

Play with them and tell them stories that create great qualities in them. Listen to them carefully. Leave your mobile for them. Give up some of your busy schedule for these forgotten children.

If you have to leave the whole world for pieces of your liver, leave it. One of them, a good son or daughter, should pray from the bottom of his heart after your death.

The Lord forgave me and my parents
